
Jakub Čevela
Anna Cisariková
Ivan Olontsev
Adéla Koubová
Jonáš Fialka
Štěpán Krahulec
Kateřina Krebsová


Pavel Hnilička
Petr Vašát
Karol Piekarski
Slavomír Ondoš
Ladislav Kvasz


Lecture series thematically connected with experimental workshop teaching of the new subject Dynamic Urbanism led by the duo Jana Moravcová and Peter Stec. The aim of the lectures is to enrich teaching, Umprum’s contact with researchers from Czech and foreign universities and the public, interdisciplinary cooperation.

Countries and cities evolve over time, achieving an incredible degree of interconnectedness and complexity. But many important urban qualities have fallen through the sieve of the often rigid tools of 20th century urban planning. The aim of the course is a survey of current methods of urban planning modeling and shaping the city and landscape over time. In addition to historical precedents, it will also present formal dynamic models from various disciplines, with the expectation of their adaptation to the urban scale.
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